Wine Maestro

Wine Maestro

Mooresville, NC

Last year during a road trip by car we made a stop in Mooresville and discovered a great wine bar called Wine Maestro. During our visit we became friends with Ed Foutz – a great guitar player and singer and met the owner and a few other folks while enjoying some great food and awesome wine.

When setting out on our trip we decided to make another stop in the area. We landed a short stay at the Statesville KOA and re-connected with Ed and his wife and learned that they too are heading out on a massive road trip!

The next night we were able to return to Wine Maestro and again enjoyed some great food, awesome wine and great fellowship.

So – I guess this is a little plug. If you ever hear that Ed Foutz is playing somewhere, or if you find yourself near Mooresville, NC and the Wine Maestro wine bar. Go!

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